Ideal Answer
Your Answer
Is the copy free of spelling, grammar and capitalization errors?
Be sure to look at specific notes about Product Titles, trademarked phrases and other branded language.

Does the copy follow the appropriate playbook and/or project instructions?
Does the title follow the correct formula? Are the most important topics included? Variations may be needed on a product-by-product basis.

Does the copy follow all client/brand rules?


Is the Unique Selling Proposition (USP)/Key Differentiator clearly outlined?
The USP should be mentioned early on in the description and bullets. What separates this product from others in the category should be clear to the shopper.

Does the sentence structure vary throughout the copy?
Avoid too many "This [noun]..." sentences. We want a comfortable flow without repetition. Encourage writers to use different opening phrasing for sentences.

Is the copy clear and easy to understand?


Does the copy accurately reflect the brand?
If you removed the brand name, would the copy still sound branded? Is the correct brand statement used (if applicable)?

Are keywords implemented comfortably into the copy?
We want to avoid obvious keyword stuffing and do not want to force a keyword if it causes the copy to become awkward. Do the keywords make sense in the places they are used? If asked why a keyword was used in a specific place, would the answer be clear?

Does the copy reflect feature/benefit writing?
We want to outline the important features of a product as well as why the consumer cares about those features. Some features, such as dietary claims, may not need explicit benefits outlined. Please use your best judgement to determine this.

Is all product information accurate?
Don't forget to check claims and measurements against provided product information and packaging.